Join us for an afternoon of fun, food and fab tunes, taking place on the 15th September 2024 in the beautiful and historic setting of Seaton Holme.
Tickets are priced at £15 each, with kids under 10 years old going free. The price includes a fantastic selection of home baked treats as well as food from everyone's favourite baker, Taylors!!
We have the amazingly talented RJS Party providing the vibe and the tunes, as well as the team from JR Productions who have kindly provided us with a PA and sound set-up.
With raffle prizes galore, including 2 x Seaham Hall Spa Gift Passes (The Steadfast Group) a £100 Specsavers Peterlee Voucher, a £50 Travel Voucher (Seaside Travel Easington), £40 Dancing Betty Voucher, a £30 Afternoon Tea Voucher (East Durham Garden Centre), a 30 day Gym Pass (MyoMuscle Peterlee), a £15 Squires of Easington Village Voucher and much, much more, you'll certainly not want to miss out!
Tickets will be provided digitally via email, or we can provide a printed copy for those that prefer. Please see our Facebook Page
for more details.
Every *Monday, 6pm-8pm at St Mary's Church and Community Hall, Easington Village SR8 3BP. Everyone welcome, refreshments and food provided.
*(Excluding Bank Holidays)
Welcome to our new premises within the magnificent 17th century listed Seaton Holme in Easington Village. Join us May 4th 2024 from 4pm onwards to have a look round and hear about our plans to utilise our new space. (Bar service and food available.)
Tickets on sale soon!
12th Dec 2023
St Marys hall
Easington village
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